Speak Car
We want safety in the control of people biking.

Loud Mini bicycle horn
Loud Mini is loud, with enough sound power to cut through heavy windows and even the loudest music. Loud Mini is weatherproof and the rechargeable battery life can't be beat. Made in the USA.
Loud Bicycle
69 reviews
Rob Goren
6 months ago
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My 6th horn ! Battery lasts well over a year !
Have one on my 2 Bromptons; 2 Montagues, My Electric and Cervelo racing bike! Love em’
Rob Goren
6 months ago
Marcus Rothstein
4 years ago
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An early customer (South Florida) who loves the product and customer support. The horn has saved me clearly several times surprising inattentive drivers who almost hit me. Loved the product so much I bought one for our daughter-in-law to keep her safe!
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Marcus Rothstein
4 years ago
Peter Farlow
4 years ago
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I love my Loud Bicycle Horn. Cars on the road do not pay attention to me or my bike's bell. They tune it out. But drivers are trained to always listen for horns. When you sound like a car, drivers will always turn their heads! I feel way safer with my Loud Bicycle Horn
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Peter Farlow
4 years ago
Karl Kemm
4 years ago
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The volume and tone of a car horn stops the chasing dogs in their tracks. I have a polite bell I often use but if cars still don't notice me, I lay on the Loud Horn and the cars always stop. Battery lasts long and it is easy to charge. For 4 years it has been the envy of other bike commuters in town. And, even as a prank, don't honk it in an elevator without hearing protection.
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Karl Kemm
4 years ago
Oren Ofer
4 years ago
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My Loud Bike mini has saved my life at least half a dozen times. I have friends who have also installed them and say it has saved them in some very close calls. Its an unfortunate fact but sometimes on a bike we need to be Loud! The Loud Bike fits perfectly on my normal size bike, I only wish there was a good way to mount it on a Brompton folding bike so that it doesn't affect the fold. If only there was a better mounting solution...I'd happily splurge on another one!
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Oren Ofer
4 years ago
Andrew Cutler
7 months ago
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Truth in advertising award goes to the LOUD Bicycle Horn. But in all seriousness it is the best way to get cars' attention in a busy city. 10/10, would honk again
Andrew Cutler
7 months ago
John Bradley Blankenship
4 years ago
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I was able to get one of the early. models of the Loud Bicycle horn, and it's still working, I don't know how many years later. The Loud Bicycle Horn is a must have safety feature. I live in Chicago and riding in the city has its challenges. The horn sounds like a car horn, so when I use it, Cars instinctively stop. Should my original Loud Bicycle Horn ever die, I'll order the smaller more compact version. But seriously folks, this horn is legit.
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John Bradley Blankenship
4 years ago
Bertrand PUJOS
4 years ago
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Awesome stuff! This horn is very helpful and efficient! Even car drivers and people with headset can hear it, which make a real difference with classic bells. The only negative point is the amount of fees to import the Loud Bicycle in Europe (around 40€ for the Loud Mini horn pack bought from France).
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Bertrand PUJOS
4 years ago
Vicky Messer
2 years ago
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My kids and I all purchased electric bikes about a year ao (yes, the kids worked and bought their own (ages 12 and 16)... I'm not paying for that:)) and we use them every single day for school, errands, after school activities, etc. etc.!! My husband bought a loud mini for my cargo bike a few weeks ago and it has saved my life and 8 year old's life multiple times already. I've been telling him for 2 years, "I just need a horn that people can hear with the windows up". Y'all delivered! I've just purchased 2 more for the kids bikes and I can't wait to see what the new horn you're working on will sound like. The louder, the better. My 8 year old just said yesterday while we were biking to school "Mom, everyone is on their phones and driving." Truth, but the horn does help!
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Vicky Messer
2 years ago
Charlotte Ording
4 years ago
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This horn has been a lifesaver - literally! Cars pulling out of small lanes or driveways often can't see a bike coming (or think they can out race us!) but a quick tap on the horn has them hitting their brakes, usually expecting to see a car coming. I was concerned about the horn losing "juice" but mine has been on the bike forever and I haven't had to recharge yet. Best bike accessory you can have, either for in-city riding or even in the country where cars are often not expecting a bike.
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Charlotte Ording
4 years ago
Robert Motión
4 years ago
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Loud Bicycle horns are agressive and are meant for my aggressive city, NYC! These horns should be mandatory in New York City. Me and my Super73 say thank you!
UPDATE (10/30): Less than three week after posting this honest review...my Mini horn “died”. The horn sound has become anemic, barely noticeable to cars. I’ve contacted Loud Bicycle and hope to hear a response soon.
UPDATE(11/03) Loud Bicycle representative JanMarie responded promptly and shipped a replacement unit immediately. No problems with new unit, other than it needed to be charged which I did.
I will always be a customer because of the great customer service. People don’t leave great products...they leave poor customer service.
Kudos to Loud Bicycle for have a great product and great customer service.
Proud Loud Mini owner,
Robert Motión, MBA
Founder | Senior JavaScript Developer
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Robert Motión
4 years ago
Andrew Vitale
4 years ago
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I am using Loud Bicycle in Rome, presumably I am the only Roman, if not Italian, using this fantastic horn. In the horrendous traffic in Rome, one of the worst western city for road safety, Loud Bicycle saved my life several times. If you are thinking “well it costs a lot for bicycle bell” and are rightly hesitant about making a purchase, I can only offer you my personal experience and tell you that this is a vital, essential, survival item to have ALWAYS with you when riding a bike. Car drivers will stop immediately when they hear the sound of the Loud Bicycle and they will either give you way or stop on the spot. It really saved me from a potential accident a tons of times. So if you are still in doubt, don’t be and go ahead and buy one!
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Andrew Vitale
4 years ago
4 years ago
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I think of The Loud Bicycle Horn as a metaphysical safety net when I’m riding my bike. Obviously it’s not going to shield me physically in any way...but using the horn in brief measured moments to alert cars of my presence offers a sense of security that says At Least They Know I’m Here.
Ride defensively, and keep a bead on cars’ tires; if there’s a slight indication they’re gonna merge into you...Loud Bicycle Horn to the rescue.
(I ride with an “Incredibell” as well for the moments when I need to alert pedestrians/cyclists with a polite “ding,” so it’s nice to have both options.)
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4 years ago
Mr Robby
4 years ago
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I've been living in the Loud Bicycle "Road Safety Town" over 2 years. It's a typical charming slice of Americana. The people are friendly, courteous, and helpful. On any given day one can hear bird song, children laughing and playing, and the unforgettable sound of Loud Bicycle horns, which alert all visitors to the fact that Loud Bicycle is serious about being a Road Safety Town.
But seriously, the Loud Bicycle horn is the best accessory you can have for your bicycle, scooter, or just hanging off your belt when you're jogging. In all cases you will be heard and noticed, people will get out of your way, and they will learn to respect and follow the rules of the road.
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Mr Robby
4 years ago
Cameron I
4 years ago
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I live in Canada, but when I heard about this Loud Bicycle Horn, I had to try it out (I'd pretty much tried every other so-called loud horn there is, but they all sound like computer beeps and I wanted something with some heft). I put this on the front of my bakfiets cargo bike and it is amazing! It stops cars/trucks/vans/ etc., in their tracks. I would recommend this to anyone who cycles frequently. It is expensive, but it's also unparalleled in honking power. For the safety of myself and my child, it is absolutely worth every penny.
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Cameron I
4 years ago
Andrea Poole
2 years ago
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I can't recommend this product enough for anyone who bikes on or near the road. There is so little that an individual can do to combat poor biking infrastructure and dangerous driving habits, but this horn helps significantly.
The only reasons I give four stars rather than five are: 1) the button plug-in is proprietary so you can't customize it or purchase a new one elsewhere, and 2) the cable connecting the horn to the button is really long, so I have to wrap it up really well to avoid getting it caught up in something while I'm riding.
Otherwise, this company is doing god's work!
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Andrea Poole
2 years ago
Jared Jagiello
2 years ago
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I’ve had a loud bicycle for 2 years now, and it has been nothing but FABULOUS. Is it $150 for a bike horn? Yes. But in NYC, having a literal CAR HORN on your bike does wonders. Whether it’s trying to get through a crowded Manhattan avenue or trying to be audible over traffic in queens, this horn WORKS, and it works WELL. For years I’d tried regular horns, the little black things you can get on amazon for 50 bucks, etc. etc. They never worked. The LOUD bicycle horn has never let me down.
I was doubtful before buying one, and for over a hundred dollars of course I’d be. But it has paid for itself over and over again. Crazy cabbie jumps in front of me? Beep! He knows where I am and stops. Jaywalker isn’t looking when trying to run across queens blvd? Beep beep! He sees me coming and we avoid a crash. People walking in the bike lane with headphones on? Beep beep. I part the Red Sea. I just ordered another one for my other bike now too! The battery lasts forever and a day before needing to recharge. A big plus is being able to switch it from one bike to another in a flash. I would 110% recommend a LOUD bicycle! It’s an investment for sure, but it’s one that’s worth every accident avoided!
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Jared Jagiello
2 years ago
Keith Hill
4 years ago
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I have purchased 3 Loud Bicycle Horns. They are a safety device that if you ride anywhere near vehicles, pedestrians not playing attention, folks with dogs on excessively long leashes, folks with dogs not on leashes, small children on bicycles or tricycles... lots of folks don't use common sense of staying to the right. This horn is critical for safety
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Keith Hill
4 years ago
How does it work?
Honking with your thumb is easy and won't interfere with braking. The button attaches easily to either handlebar and the wire plugs into the bottom of the case.
Loud Bicycle's mission is to make biking safer. Our products give more people the confidence to bike— contributing to a healthier community, a cleaner environment, and more livable cities.
Specific Questions?
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions in our FAQs here.
If you can't find the answer there feel free to reach out to our team directly at info@loudbicycle.com.